Scarlett Johansson & Ryan Reynolds End Marriage | GossipCenter - Entertainment News Leaders

Making for another sudden and shocking split in Tinseltown, Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds are drawing an end to their marriage. The "Iron Man" actress and her "Green Lantern" soon-to-be ex-husband pulled the plug a few weeks ago after being wed two years back in British Columbia.

Releasing a statement to FOX 411, the couple said, "After long and careful consideration on both our parts, we've decided to end our marriage. We entered our relationship with love and it's with love and kindness we leave it. While privacy isn't expected, it's certainly appreciated." Sounding as if both parties are handling things like adults, an Us insider tells, "They are being very civil about it." Also stating that infidelity wasn't an issue, the source added, "The big problem with their relationship is the distance. They spent a lot of time apart when they are working...She's been unhappy for a while."
Scarlett Johansson & Ryan Reynolds End Marriage | GossipCenter - Entertainment News Leaders

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